Why do business with Oildata?
Because we got the right technology and personnel to keep your oilfields’ production alive at a cheap cost. Over the years, we have successfully completed hundreds of projects from large and extensive campaigns for international Oil companies to complex solutions for indigenous Marginal/brown-field owners. A trial will surely convince you. That’s why we offer expert, 24/7 phone support, plus a lot more.
Solution Offers & Tools
Oildata Limited creates and propagates innovative value added oil and gas field production solutions for producers in Sub-Sahara Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Our engineered solutions have enhanced the productivity of hundreds of our clients’ vertical, horizontal and multilateral wells, achieving significant production gains and cost savings. Below outlined tour, will walk you through the new look and feel solutions that will enhanced your business growth today.
Reservoir Evaluation
Using a wide variety of tools and services Oildata’s reservoir evaluation specialists obtain logs, core and transient data necessary for the evaluation of our clients’ oil and gas reservoirs. Our regular modifications has provided the basis for informed production from single wells or entire fields to optimize recovery.
Wellbore Completions
In preparing oil and gas wells for optimized production it is most important to ensure that running in casing, production tubings and associated down hole accessories as well as cementing is done properly to sustain production over decades. Find your ideal solution to establish this process and fast track completion where necessary.
Water/Sand Conformance
We deploy this solutions when an oil and gas well produces Base Sediments and Water (BSW) where there is an unfavorable Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR), and In depleted reservoir scenarios. Mechanical or Chemical controls involve the complete or partial isolation of an identified interval with excessive Base Sediments and Water (BSW) or gas production (where gas is not desired).
Enhanced Oil Recovery
Our enhanced oil recovery solutions are useful when there is;
Reduction in expected production
Excess water production
Excess gas production
Suspicion of leaks and need for determination of mechanical soundness of a well. The conveyance is deployed through a MULE Tractor for logging operations in highly deviated and horizontal wells
Reduction in expected production
Excess water production
Excess gas production
Suspicion of leaks and need for determination of mechanical soundness of a well. The conveyance is deployed through a MULE Tractor for logging operations in highly deviated and horizontal wells

Reservoir Profiling
Our reservoir profiling package provides clients with data for reservoir parameter assessments through In-depth analyzed well logs essential for proper field assets management.

Pipe Recovery
Pipe recovery solutions are essential for the retrieval of tubing, drill pipe or packers by cutting at targeted tailpipe often used in multiple strings and casing recovery operations.

BSW Diagnostics
Diagnose BSW issues long before they pose huge production problems using BSW Diagnostics tool by identifying fluid contacts in your reservoir via graphical images .

Production Profiling
Production profiling solutions are necessary to obtain data ( Borehole fluid nature and behavior ) useful for the proper management of a client’s field assets.

Formation Evaluation
Our Formation Evaluation solutions provide clients with data that enables them determine the ability of a borehole to produce oil and gas in commercial quantities.
Cement Bond Evaluation
The main purpose of cementing over a producing interval is to provide hydraulic isolation between neighboring zones. Hydraulic isolation prevents fluid movement into zones.

Complete Zonal Isolation
Water and sand production from oil and gas wells characterized by low productivity and low reservoir pressure can prematurely kill wells.
Production Enhancement
Production Enhancement gives our client increase in their production volume at levels which yield the highest profits.
Production Testing
Production Testing services are necessary to capture key production measurements such as flow rate, fluid properties, composition, pressure, and temperature.
Leaks and Detection
Mature wells largely face integrity issues which in many cases deteriorate to pose serious production challenges. Early detection is the key to averting production challenges.

Partial Zonal Isolation
Oildata’s uses Thermosetting Plastic Resin to partially isolate unwanted production from existing perforations. The Resin provides an effective barrier in gas wells.

Well Stimulation and Artificial Lift Systems
Well stimulation and artificial lift systems are required in wells with insufficient pressure in the reservoir to lift the produced fluids to the surface.
Our Corporate Governance and Practices?
Oildata puts a premium on ethical business practice. Directors, Management and Staff are governed by a code of conduct built on a Compliance model called ACT (Accountability, Commitment and Trust), based on National and International best practices.
We are HERE for you
Contact Us
Phone: +1-866-462-8837 Hours: 8:00am – 6:00pm CST, Monday – Friday
Email: info@oildatainc.com, sales@oildatainc.com